This Module is currently available.
Euclidean Sequencer
This is a single channel Euclidean sequencer with a CV input and knob for every parameter. This module can generate Euclidean rhythms with any number of steps from 2 to 32.
At a Glance:
- Euclidean sequencer with CV and potentiometer control of all parameters
- Generates Euclidean rythms with between 2 and 32 steps
- Range selection switch for easy and accurate length selection
Why We Created This Module
There are many Euclidean sequencers available, but most of them are either complex modules without CV control of all parameters, are too small or have a confusing interface. We really wanted a module that could generate Euclidean rhythms with a simple interface that is easy to understand and allows CV control of all parameters.
What Is This Module?
This module takes a clock and reset signal, and generates a Euclidean rhythm in time with the incoming clock. Euclidean rhythms are rhythmic patterns generated using a mathematical algorithm which was first described by Euclid in ancient Greece, over 2000 years ago! Lots of world rhythms can be generated using this algorithm.
As well as input knobs for length, fill and offset there is also a CV control for each of these parameters, an attenuator for the fill input (as this is the most commonly modulated input) and a range switch which affects the range of the length knob.
What Isn’t This Module?
When we created this module we decided to focus on building a simple intuitive interface which is easily understandable. We wanted to put the user in complete control of the algorithm. This means there is only a single channel and no extra modes or features.
We also wanted to make sure that all of the controls are easily accessible and easy to use, so if you're looking for something tiny this isn't it!
How It's Made
Final assembly of all of our modules is done by hand, by us in Cambridge, England.
Some of our modules have surface mount (SMD) components already populated when we get the PCBs. We then add the remaining SMD components and hand solder them, and finally hand solder all of the through hole (THT) components.
Once the module is assembled we will do any additional setup such as flashing the firmware and calibrating the module before testing that everything works as it should.
We are very careful to select good quality components, especially for the mechanical components. We always use high quality Alpha potentiometers, Thonkiconn jacks and high quality switches.
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