10 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$106 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

VCO Expander (for VCO-1)

EXP-1 is an expander module for our analogue Eurorack oscillator VCO-1. It adds an LFO with two waveforms (square, triangle) and various modulation targets, sync, lin. FM, wave morphing, an additional triangle output etc. Together with VCO-1 it is a complex oscillator with lots of internal or external modulation possibilities. The size of 10HP for each module and long knobs with a good grip makes it a perfect working horse for your system and all controls are super precise.

The bi-polar LFO LED (green/red) shows you the exact frequency and polarity. The left 50% of the frequency knob cover 0 to 1Hz, the second 50% cover 1Hz to 200Hz, so you can adjust the low frequencies very precise.

LFO Freq. ca. 0Hz - 200Hz
LFO Amt. (target via selector)
Lin FM (int. LFO / ext. signal)
Morph (int. offset / ext. CV)
LFO Shape (Saw / Square)
LFO Target (Morph / PW)
Morph Mode (Tri-Spare / Tri-Saw)

LFO Freq (ext. CV influences LFO Freq.)
Lin FM Input
Morph CV Input
Sync Input
LFO Output
Morphed Output
Triagle Output

Audio demos: www.soundcloud.com/leafaudio/sets/vco-1-demos

Design by Hannes Pasqualini / Papernoise
The module (DIY kit) is available here (EU only): www.exploding-shed.com


Ø 4.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Mar 5th 2019, 10:34 by Manuel_G_Richter | last Change Jan 23rd 2023, 13:44 by pugix

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Perfect CircuitNoisebug


Moog Audio

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?