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Full synth voice / Dual complexe Oscillator / Filters / MS processor...
The DUAL UNDULA OSCILLATOR is a dual complexe oscillator that has a lot of internal functionalities that allows a lot of various uses beyond a simple dual oscillator:
Full synth voice / Dual complexe Oscillator / Filters / MS processor...
The module has plenty of sub modules:
- 2 sinus wave VCO, that can works as filter.
- 2 wave folder each connected to one oscillator, with a VCA in between.
- 2 bipolar VCA (that act as lowres. Ring modulator).
Both VCA can be used inside a Mid-Side converter.
- 1 LFO
- 1 Attack-Decay envelope.
A lot of options are available on the back:
- Access points to modify the routing, or to add more I/O.
- All critical capacitors are through Holes, to allows easy modifications.
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