4 HP
46 mm deep
Current Draw
15 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$56 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

U-012 Dual Attenuverter + DC

Dual Attenuverter

From top:
input jack
attenuation/inversion knob
DC shift knob
output jack + 2 polarity LEDs
and same for second channel

U-012 allows manipulation with input signal, red knobs sets signal attenuation and/or inversion, white knobs sets DC offset (transposition). Red knob “under” 12 o´clock (ccw) inverts signal, over 12 o´clock (cw) lefts signal in same polarity, max. attenuation is in the mid (12 o´clock = “0”). Attenuation at knob max. position can be trimmed to exactly “1” (=no attenuation) using internal trimmers (to pass CV signal unchanged if an tuning CV is used as input to preserve tracking. DC knob then makes transposition). Second channel is normalled to first channel so you can create counterbalanced CV waveshapes with different DC shift (say for auto-panning signal with an envelope or LFO as modulation source and two VCAs for panning audio, inversion of one channel makes amplification conversely between channels. Or crossfades between two inputs). U-012 can convert CV signals between different level schemes, say input signal range +-5V can be converted to 0-5V, gates can be inverted and their level changed and much more… (as fixed CV source without input connected, deeper closing VCAs or VCFs if CV is moved slightly negative…)


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submitted Jul 24th 2018, 14:51 by jwm_ | last Change Jan 9th 2023, 16:55 by pugix

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