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Harmonics LFO
From top:
rate knob + CV input jack
harmonics 1 select knob + “even” LED
harmonics 1 level knob
harmonics 2 select knob + “even” LED
harmonics 2 level knob
output jack + 2 polarity LEDs
L-125 is sinusoidal LFO, rate range of fundamental is from over 5-minute period to 30Hz. Two of harmonics (selectable in range from 2nd to 12th) can be added to fundamental frequency in ratios set by theirs level knobs. Jumper header set = harmonics are added with no phase shift (0°), jumper header removed = first harmonics is added to fundamental with 90° phase shift, second harmonics with 180° phase shift. LEDs at select knobs lights if “even” harmonics is selected. Rate knob works as attenuator for input CV if rate CV jack is plugged-in. Under about 1Hz (= slow rates) rate LED blinks dimmed/full brigthess to show LFO is still moving (output changes really slowly). Output level 10Vp-p (-5 to +5V), distortion of fundamental sine under 0,2% (quite good for LFO).
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | Big Studio blowout Sale! I am clearing out my studio as I am retir... | $59.00 |
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