8 HP
52 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
25 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$100 Price in €

No info about availability.

F-510 Synare VCF

Synare 3 Clone Filter

F-510 Synare VCF LP filter module for Eurorack / Doepfer A100.
Voltage controlled low pass filter with four different slope outputs.

Left column:
- CV input jack (1V/oct)
- 2 filter frequency knobs (coarse & fine)
- variable +CV knob & jack
- variable -CV knob & jack (positive going voltage decreases filter frequency)

Right column:
- audio input jack & knob
- resonance knob (Q) – selfoscilates near max setting
- 4 output jacks for 6-12-18-24dB/oct slope

Can be used as quadrature VCO at selfoscillating.
Outputs are phase shifted by 90° so sine output is 12dB/oct jack and cosine 24dB/oct jack.

Part of Synare 3 in Eurorack modular format (16HP total). Three modules:
C-510 "Synare 1" - trigger input, envelopes, vca (4HP)
O-510 "Synare2" - 2x oscillator, noise source, LFO (4HP)
F-510 "Synare VCF" - filter with 4 outputs and +CV and -CV inputs (8HP)


Ø 4.50 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 10th 2014, 13:17 by | last Change Aug 2nd 2016, 03:11 by willbanks

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