10 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
33 mA +12V
34 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$260 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Basic VCO


Analogue triangle core VCO/LFO

L-1 Basic VCO. Analogue triangle core VCO/LFO. THAT2180 in the core. Sine, triangle, saw and pulse waves. Reset sync. Exponential FM. Pulse width modulation. 10HP Eurorack module.
VCO range is 11 octaves. LFO range is 11 octaves too but 100 times slower.


Ø 5.00 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Mar 18th 2015, 12:14 by fluffymuff | last Change Oct 20th 2016, 11:41 by L-1

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