10 HP
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$239 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual/Stereo VCA Panner

Dual High Quality Stereo VCA / Panner - 10HP

VCAs are the heart of any system and the K6100 offers a small and flexible design that offers excellent performance in a small package. It looks great and sounds great, offering several different modes of operation. You can use it as two independent VCAs or combined for ganged / stereo operation. Each channel has an offset control that can be used to tailor the response based on your CV input source, or used as a manual volume control.

By using internal normalling connections, the input signals and CV signals are normalled to the second channel when only the first channel inputs are used. This allows you to use the K6100 as a dual VCA with the same source, or as a stereo VCA with the same control voltage signal. Or, for that extra level of dimension use the PAN IN control to adjust the relative balance between the two channels.

Features and Specs:

  • Eurorack (3U) form factor - 10HP width
  • High-end VCA circuits have optimum noise performance and exponential response
  • Panning circuit responds linearly to pan control and input voltage
  • CV in circuit responds logarithmically to amp control and input voltage
  • PAN OUT jack offers an inverted version of the PAN IN signal as a utility for chaining the pan signal to control other modules
  • AMP and PAN offset controls allow fine tuning or full manual control
  • Bi-colour (red/green) panning indicator shows the pan amount and direction
  • PAN LEVEL control allows the panning CV input signal to be adjusted for different depths of modulation
  • Requires +12V (40mA), -12V (40mA) - 16 pin Doepfer-style power cable used - approx. 1.0W total power consumption
  • Designed and made in Canada using high quality parts.
  • Warranty: 1 year

submitted Sep 2nd 2017, 18:44 by elmood | last Change Apr 9th 2021, 19:24 by elmood

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