4 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
50 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$199 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

dual preamp follower

ASCOLTA is a dual high fidelity input preamp with envelope follower and peak detector output for each channel.

• To amplify stereo line level signals up to modular levels – 100x (40dB).
• To extract an envelope and a peak detector CV from any given signal.
• To integrate into your system two separate sources requiring dedicated gain compensation.
• To side-chain and compress using the two audio-follower CV out and an external VCA/LPG.

• Laptop / phone – plug a stereo cable directly from their output and integrate that to your modular.
• Dynamic microphones – amplify two of them individually and sing with a friend.
• External synths – take those weak signals and warm them up to modular levels.
• Passive instruments – sing and play the guitar while affecting them with your spaghetti monster .

Ascolta consist of two individual high quality preamp connected to an envelope follower and a peak detector output.
On the back of the module you can select the behaviour of its internal normalization when no cable is plugged into I2:

S: the first input I1 will accept stereo 3.5mm standard cables from any source and split L and R to output O1 and O2 respectively. This way you can directly amplify stereo signals without the need of external splitters and regulate the gain of each channel individually.
G: the second amplifier will double the amplification of the first totalling a gain range of 80dB - 10.000x.

Envelope E and peak P outputs are strictly related to the gain level of their corresponding amplifier and will follow the dynamic of any input plugged.

• Two high quality 40dB amplifiers.
• Customizable internal normalization.
• Audio graded potentiometers.
• “Whatever” power connector a.k.a. don’t mind the polarity.

Demos and build documentation at jolin.tech/ascolta and on our IG @jolinlab


submitted May 6th 2023, 13:35 by Jolin | last Change Apr 10th 2024, 17:08 by Jolin

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SynthcubePerfect Circuit


Found Sound


Nightlife Electronics

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?