18 HP
100 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$390 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

A compact eight channel level control

A compact eight channel level control for both audio and DC-coupled control voltages for integration with SwitchMix™ or standalone use.

The Trimmer is much more than just a buffered attenuator. Each channel may be precisely calibrated between -10dB (÷3) to +10dB (x3) gain so that prior signal or CV losses may be compensated. A Trimmer may be inserted into the DB25 input or output connections of SwitchMix™ and may also incorporate phase inverting switches and/or a mixture of connectors with normalling.

A precision 5V reference is included and all the input jacks are normalled in a cascade. By default the 5V appears on all inputs, but a patched connection will break the chain and that signal will appear at all inputs below it. The reference voltage may be selected in 1V steps by a link or a switch on an option panel.

Trimmer has balanced or unbalanced compatible inputs and outputs, extending its use beyond synthesizer patching to other audio routing applications. It is suitable for interfacing DAW sound cards to a synthesizer and may be used for balanced to unbalanced or unbalanced to balanced conversions with level change.


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submitted Mar 24th 2013, 13:43 by meatbeatz | last Change Nov 21st 2022, 16:37 by pflosi

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