2 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Stereo offset generator

Need an offset voltage? Of course you do, you probably need one all the time, and you can never seem to find one. Well, here's two.

Yes, the Stereo Offset boasts not one but TWO linked offset voltages, and even better, they can be independently set as unipolar or bipolar with jumpers on the back of the module. To further aid your adventure in offsetting, bicolor LEDs will indicate the current state of both outputs.

Smoothly transition between voltages to simultaneously control other functions in your system, either by applying identical voltages to two different places, or by using simultaneous unipolar and bipolar signals for advanced control over your Eurorack system.

Do the right thing - get an offset generator you will love.

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submitted Mar 11th 2024, 20:20 by incap | last Change Mar 11th 2024, 20:20 by incap
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