11 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
17 mA +12V
17 mA -12V
46 mA 5V

This Module is discontinued.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

CV - Gate- Adder - Splitter for CTAG

Utility module consist of two manual CV and two Gate/Trigger, Adder and Splitter.

CV: Jumpers and Trimmers on the back of the board configure the behaviour of the CV Potentiometers, for example 0V to +10V or -5V to +12V.
GATE: Push-Buttons with LED indicator, providing +5V as long as pushed down.
ADDER: As long as no cable is plugged, CV 1 ist normalled to the uppermost socket, providing an offset voltage for Adder Input 2 and 3.
SPLITTER: Active multiple, for distributing Note CV without voltage loss.

* 1 manual CV with logarithmic response
* 1 manual CV with linear response
* 2 manual Gate/ Trigger Buttons
* Adder (active 3->1 summing mixer)
* Splitter (active 1->3 Multiple)

submitted Nov 28th 2019, 11:54 by FPB_Chris | last Change Dec 17th 2019, 14:38 by FPB_Chris
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