I found 27 threads containing next modules in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Complex Harmonies Modular Discussions by 13 346
Exploring Noise Engineering BIA You this user has left ModularGrid 5 103
Next Module(s)? Racks by 3 23
Lifeforms 301 - suggestions on filling last 24 HP Racks by 4 1
My First Eurorack Racks by 4 18
Complete Modular Noob testing the water. Racks by 3 4
My falsest Eurorack - 96HP Pittsburgh Case Racks by 2 18
Generative help Racks by 12 658
Help for choosing the next set of modules (Ambient/Generative) Racks by 4 401
Start 2 Racks by 11 163
First rack completed! Racks by 7 190
First Eurorack industrial, techno. Your advice please Racks by 7 1005
Finishing up Racks by 4 89
Need some gear advices - Rackbrute 6U Racks by 5 172
Does my rack make any sense? Racks by 11 379
Beginner setup. filling up a rackbrute to make a wavetable synth Racks 8 355
Minimal starter setup - bang for your buck? looking for advice, thx Racks by 7 328
My Hydrasynth/Minibrute Eurorack Racks by 17 550
Looking for which module would be best to add next Racks by 7 184
First Rack: Next Module Advice Racks by 2 99
Feedback on first rack to compliment Digitakt/Digitone and 0-Coast? Racks 52 965
Generative Ambient Rack Racks by 13 749
Thoughts? Racks by 6 150
Need advice on my first Techno System Racks by 6 215
Adding to Mother 32 and DFAM Racks by 2 150
Expanding from a 64hp beginner palette to a ( albeit slightly less tiny ) 104hp rack. Racks by 8 285
Any idea about potential next modules? Racks by 9 409