I found 22 threads containing Lumen in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Behringer Crave (Drums), Mutable Instruments Plaits, Filtamp 1006, Minibrute 2s, Improv... You by 8 111
REALITY Stage-2 (A-100 LCB) Racks by 1 7
First rack for Ambient/Downtempo - Need advice with next module(s) Racks by 4 151
The pretty big re-arrangement Racks by 12 243
CLAVSTRO volca sample Racks by 1 23
CLAVSTRO - sin circuit - con 2 o 3 korg sq-1 a parte Racks by 1 13
CLAVSTRO sin DFAM Racks by 1 20
CLAVSTRO model samples - yarns Racks by 1 33
CLAVSTRO sq1 en la caja - RADIO con LFO Racks by 1 85
CLAVSTRO sq1 en la caja - picotrig - erica sample drum Racks by 1 26
CLAVSTRO midi desde circuit - CV.OCD - https://six4pix.net/product/cvocd/ Racks by 1 75
42 HP - para acompañar ANALOG RYTM Racks by 1 25
60 HP x2 - para acompañar ANALOG RYTM Racks by 1 34
42 HP - para acompañar ANALOG RYTM con MINIKAOSS PAD Racks by 1 72
60 HP x2 - acompañar Rytm Racks by 1 89
62 HP - con roland sh-01A - circuit Racks by 1 44
62 HP - con roland sh-01A - circuit v3 Racks by 1 52
62 HP x2 - RYTM - dfam, plonk, brains Racks by 1 52
62hp x2 - laberinttto - VOLCA DRUM - circuit - SH - SY (dx o monologue) + case Racks by 1 40
84hp x2 - laberinttto circuit - kinematic - DFAM- SH - SY (dx o monologue) + case (copy) Racks by 1 39
86 hp - TEKNO - circuit - volca drum - SH Racks by 1 42
Help for more recommended modulation. Too many sound sources! Racks by 23 384