I found 857 threads containing Ambient in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
New try Racks by 6 166
ambient eurorack , what do you change? Racks by 2 89
Rack Idea for Guitar Processing/Soundscapes/Rhythm Racks by 10 175
Update on the first draft Racks by 4 80
A-100P9 Concept 1 Racks by 7 191
Would you consider this to be a good point to start from...? Racks by 5 299
Ambient Experimental Racks 0 75
Thoughts on a loop/sample based ambient/soundtrack setup. Racks by 1 47
Accidentally stumbled down the eurotrack, now what? Racks by 11 282
Ambient/semi-generative rack Racks by 2 120
(another) beginners rack Racks by 2 77
Help for choosing the next set of modules (Ambient/Generative) Racks by 4 401
Generative help Racks by 12 658
Eurorack for ambient/drone style of music Racks by 5 947
First setup help You by 4 47
Looking for feedback Racks by 1 54
The Randomness Embracing Generative Ambient Rack (does it make sense?) Racks by 3 159
First Rack plans for generative ambient Racks by 1 83
2019 Eurorack Racks by 6 126
0-coast plus.... Racks by 8 201
Need some experts opinions Racks by 1 59
Need your advice, absolutely new to Eurorack! Racks by 7 160
Ambient Drone (Shapeshifters, Morphagenes, Piston Honda MkIII, Diginoise from Ultrarand... You by 1 47
Need some VCA I guess... Racks by 10 208
Developing Rack Racks by 5 107
Maybe This Could Be The First One Racks by 9 394
Total beginner to Module Synthesis - semi or full module to start? You by 9 276
My Ambient Eurorack Revision Racks by 5 173
My Ambient Eurorack Racks by 6 314
Opinions on starting rack build Racks by 18 360
Processing & Modulation For Circuit Bent And Experimental Instruments Racks by 1 56
help me to complete my first eurorack setup (ambient) Racks by 14 1066
Second skiff build advice... Racks by 9 123
Noob's first rack Racks by 4 79
OB6,Pro2,MoogVoyager and Juno 106 - 4 track ambient You by 1 5
Experimental/Ambient/Soundscape Rack. Racks by 3 197
Ambient Module Discussion + Juno integration Racks by 10 225
Lugia where you at! - Beginner Rack Help (Ambient/house/techno/Berlin School) Racks by 7 279
Transitional helper rack Racks by 5 122
Ready to buy first modules - Ambient/chord soundscapes + some perc. Racks by 7 491
Too heavy on the oscillators? Racks by 11 169
New here, help: after an ARP Odyssey, what else ? Racks by 6 97
I am a complete modular beginner trying to create a budget randomized ambient synth. Pl... Racks by 10 941
Help Obie Wan Lugia... Racks by 2 78
Need advise before i dive much further Racks by 5 170
I am confusion Racks by 2 45
New Modular Rack around Moog Grandmother Modules by 4 316
SnowRack Racks by 12 145
Noob Mother 32/DFAM set-up. Thoughts welcome! Racks by 10 184
Ambiental Rack | Opinions? Racks by 13 233
Ambiental Rack | Opinions? Racks 0 7
Mr. Rogers Racks by 8 29
New to Eurorack - Ambient Rack for Textures? Racks by 7 853
New Eurorack (minimal, ambient, synthscapes, etc). Advices? Racks by 4 78
Little ambient machine µno Racks by 1 33
Machine that goes PING! Racks by 1 5
Ambient rack, 1st attempt almost happy and ready to start patching! Racks by 11 292
Modular - work in progress Racks by 8 70
ambogrobo369 mantis synth / happy endings drummachine Racks by 2 11
Ambient Looping #2 Patches by 1 20
Ambient Looping #1 Patches by 1 19
please help my little pony Racks by 14 27
My scurrile Eurorack Racks by 4 4
9HP left, looking for suggestions (Generative Ambient) Racks by 4 39
Two Row Aitor Ambient Racks by 1 10
Half-way completed, tentative plans, hybrid setup with DAW Racks by 6 10
Needing a lot of advice :) Racks by 7 126
Advice on my first setup Racks by 4 9
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1402
Another novice looking to expand beyond Mother 32 and DFAM Racks by 1 43
First Eurorack V1 Racks by 4 16
First modular Racks by 12 230
My weekly Eurorack Racks by 1 123
Industrial/Ambient groovebox Racks by 9 36
Ambient patch using Industrial Music Electronics modules You by 1 11
Beginner asking for opinions. Racks by 3 15
Morphagene or Clouds Racks by 5 782
Musician - Wanting to drift into an ambient dream ... Racks by 1 3
"Top Bunk" for a Moog rack. Racks by 4 31
My first ambient eurorack Racks by 5 83
Pulp Logic Slew Question Modules by 1 9
Brian Eno/ Organic Ambient Doepfer Racks by 1 33
What would you fill this 20hp with? Racks by 2 6
New Modular User Racks by 7 14
Moog, Roland, and Textural sounds in a minimalist modular Racks by 6 24
Space ambient trance builds Modular Discussions by 5 31
Ok, I'll play... looking for feedback Racks by 5 24
ambient pop collaboration You by 1 3
Future Rack Feedback Racks by 5 19
A darker space You by 9 101
Ambient / Atmospheric Rack Feedback Racks by 12 339
KICK ASS!!! for March 2018 Modules by 1 35
Finishing up a rack... what's missing? Racks by 5 10
Just getting started, need input! Racks by 11 49
My morphagene Eurorack Racks by 3 21
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
Constructive criticism on my first rack build? (ambient, generative) Racks by 12 1571
intense drone ambient ( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ ) You by 4 10
First system Racks by 18 265
More useful musical references: early synthesizers and their recorded use Modular Discussions by 1 20