I found 1197 threads containing SECOND in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Complete my dreaming pony rack Racks by 5 114
Back for Revisions(Portable Live Rig) Racks by 9 144
Me Rack - Still doesn't feel quite right....! Racks by 11 263
98HP Jumpskiff DIY (befaco, 2hp, zlob, MI, ZZZ) Racks by 58 1062
Planning my first eurorack Racks this user has left ModularGrid 12 259
NiftyAddOns Racks by 3 67
Adding to modular setup Racks this user has left ModularGrid 3 39
Some help with my first Eurorack project? Racks by 4 104
Planning my case Racks by 2 86
Tiny experimental-ish rack Racks by 20 464
Beginner setup. filling up a rackbrute to make a wavetable synth Racks 8 355
Portable Racks by 2 118
Building a system around two moogs and a Pittsburgh voltage research lab Racks by 7 157
I'd like some feedback on my plan for my first Euro Rack Racks by 6 148
201005 - Morning Jam (added a godspeed) Racks by 1 35
201003 - Afternoon Jam with new gear Racks by 3 44
20U Current - Ivo Ivanov (Glitchmachines) Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 36 2163
Advice for first rack Racks by 6 219
I am new and my first rack, please help! Racks by 12 181
My first one... Racks 10 161
Complete modular noob advice. Racks by 6 166
Filter replacement question Racks by 8 160
Tips for Improving new build and setup Racks this user has left ModularGrid 1 37
Does my rack make any sense? Racks by 11 379
Asking for feedback on an Eurorack version of Aalto Racks 5 80
Tetra Racks by 6 404
Critique my plan Racks this user has left ModularGrid 20 199
eurorack progression Racks by 5 108
First Draft of System to Complement Violin w/ effects + ChucK Coding Racks by 12 186
4ms Pod 64X HP - Drone/ambient Racks by 8 369
Pallet case as first setup. Please review. Racks by 6 159
Feedback on new build Racks this user has left ModularGrid 7 100
Is it all terrible? First Rack Feedback? Racks 6 133
Advice to finish my 6U system Racks 10 177
New to modular - need your help for patching ! Racks by 18 253
First eurorack system Racks by 6 98
Mini Techno System w/ Digital Dilemma Racks by 6 162
Where should I go from there ? Advice ? Racks by 3 99
Flexibility in two systems Racks by 10 162
Looking for some feedback Racks by 11 176
Advice on filling 420 HP Racks by 13 225
NiftyCase Goal Build Racks by 2 81
Quietest Powered Cases? Racks 9 294
What single module would add the most to this? Racks by 22 372
Matriarch (Ambient) Friend Racks by 9 231
Idea generator - 6U+6U Rack Brute Racks by 3 84
Too many VCAs Racks by 8 198
Mb2s+RB6U+... Racks by 1 28
Need some gear advices - Rackbrute 6U Racks by 5 172
Ambient survival 4 Racks by 6 209
First Rack Racks by 32 448
My First Rack Racks by 7 184
First build goal. Pulling the triger on case and sequencer/sampler soon. Advice appreci... Racks by 1 140
Experimental Rack Racks by 1 77
HELP Building my first rack Racks by 7 287
Rate My Rack (and actually just discuss module choices, really) Racks by 10 157
It's coming together...Advice appreciated! Racks by 2 130
Experimental Techno Modular Idea - feedback please? Racks by 16 269
Rack made for guitar processing Racks by 3 61
My Rack for Dark Ambient,What do i need? Racks by 19 623
For the Noobs (aka What This Noob Learned in Quarantine) Racks by 7 161
Moog expansion Racks by 5 68
Akemie's Castle-centered rack Racks by 9 248
New kid on the block - looking for feedback Racks by 4 91
First Eurorack Design - Please Critique Racks by 13 296
feedback / redundancy Racks by 2 52
0-coast extension - Polyend preset Racks by 4 79
Main Ambient Machine - 84 hp + 84 hp Racks by 10 289
Newbie seeking advice on using Minibrute 2S as main controller for Eurorack... Racks by 6 266
RackBrute 3U ES-9 Techno desktop setup Racks by 2 301
RNDSynth Racks by 12 183
Opinions? Starter Rack? enrich and compliment my DFAM Racks by 6 123
My rack and ordering it Racks by 5 131
I am a Eurowreck Racks by 21 656
What is that thing behind you? Racks by 14 338
PRESO MALE Racks by 7 663
Beginner Polyphonic Eurorack Racks by 14 958
First rack for Ambient/Downtempo - Need advice with next module(s) Racks by 4 151
Intellijel Palette help needed (ambient /generative) Racks by 10 636
fitting a tight space of 6U 78HP Racks by 2 51
Power noise from Pittsburgh Modular cases Racks by 7 234
ideas and constructive criticism plz Racks by 3 101
First Eurorack (Ambient/Drone). Any advise or criticism welcome. Racks by 8 238
I need some of ur Opinions :-) Racks by 7 155
Would this rack be any good? Racks by 10 294
My irksome Eurorack Racks 5 573
Is something important missing? Racks by 7 134
The Tiptop Mantis or the 6U Rackbrute? Racks by 10 2086
Fixing a hole Racks by 7 104
Feedback needed: Mini Modular Noise System Racks by 26 380
Looking for feedback on expanding my desktop synths with a small collection of eurorack... Racks by 9 139
Just had one of those moments Racks by 4 164
Roland/AcidLab/Doepfer/TTop Racks by 11 162
6U 104 HP Racks by 2 100
6U 84 HP Eurorack Racks by 15 582
Boards of Canada style rack. Racks by 14 575
Minibrute2S + Rackbrute6U - Careful start Racks by 14 237
First/Final Euro Project Racks by 9 222
Critique My First Rack Racks by 4 215
Erica Rack Racks by 1 77