I found 2988 threads containing EG in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
TheDoctor's Simple Starter Ambient Rig Racks by 4 61
I just purchase an Intellijel TPS30 but I need advice for my modules Racks by 1 8
Advice needed Racks by 8 8
Another beginner question: is the cable to power a module usually shipped with it? Modular Discussions by 3 4
4ROW limited Want 6 ROW Racks by 2 5
Live performance for techno and hardcore setup Racks by 1 11
My 1st Eurorack Racks by 5 11
Other/unknown zLINEIN Modules by 3 478
Alternate Beginings Racks by 1 1
for mutable public viewing Racks by 1 1
research module Racks by 4 3
Kill The Piano Racks by 9 9
Feedback much appreciated Racks by 2 5
Grayscale Turing Machine v2 hybrid panel Modules by 3 844
Reggie Racks by 6 4
BluesXP gives away one Euromod for free! Modules by 1 7
The database is getting messy over time ModularGrid by 7 21
Too many VCO's? Racks by 4 14
Cheap (portable?) eurorack cases Racks by 20 2611
Modest rig v1.2 Racks by 16 13
DESERT ISLAND / beginner's rack Racks by 4 31
My A-100 Racks by 8 13
Where am I going with this? Racks by 9 7
Intellijel Triatt (original panel) Modules by 2 1532
How ill-advised is this rack? Racks by 6 38
Help with a beginner system Racks by 3 140
How to store and recall offsets Modules by 4 2165
My amazing Eurorack Racks by 10 28
Begin with top row or bottom row? Racks by 2 ..
snapshot question ModularGrid by 11 147
New alternative sans arppegio Racks by 1 ..
MengQiMusic Voltage Memory Modules by 10 2484
Sending CV from Doepfer MAQ16/3 to custom made analog synths Modules by 1 5
Starter Module? Need advice. Modular Discussions by 1 39
New to eurorack Racks by 9 13
Newbie jumping in to plan/ build an 808 drum rack Modular Discussions by 3 4
I think i don't get it... need patch help :) Patches by 2 159
"Delay" a sequencer output Modular Discussions by 11 8
Advice needed please? Racks by 6 43
Adding a 60hp rack to my mother 32!! Any tips? Anyone doing the same?? Racks by 5 64
Collaborative Percussive Rig Racks by 7 3
3-Tier 60hp Moog Skiff: 2X Mother-32 + Pico and clock/gate options + Clouds Racks by 1 18
Wiggling beginnings You by 1 4
mobileControl Racks by 73 53
Next Module(s)? Racks by 3 22
First Eurorack. Any advice ? Racks by 4 14
Please delete. Racks by 4 8
run eurorack on 12v car battery? Racks by 1 49
Noise Engineering Quantic Fictus Modules by 1 648
First system! Finally complete! (for now...)??? Racks by 2 2
beginners help Modular Discussions by 5 10
First Rack. Would this work? Racks by 8 11
Help Constructing a Skiff for live Noise/Ambient Racks by 4 81
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
06232016 Patches by 1 ..
06.21 Patches by 1 ..
Output in Mono or Stereo or Dual-Mono, Issue? Modules by 6 13
Alice Racks by 1 5
totally noobular Racks by 2 4
first rack, plan to integrate with my analog keys and future retro revolution Racks by 3 1
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Are all VCOs created equal? Modular Discussions by 4 40
My MakeNoise Shared System Series You by 2 8
Hexarack Current Racks by 6 16
People don't mark as sell their Ads on Marketplace ModularGrid by 3 3
My Starter Eurorack Racks by 3 13
Bento Box Racks by 2 3
Functional Fuckery (hopefully) Racks by 21 23
pbh cell Racks by 1 ..
Other/unknown Lego Usonic Modules by 1 39
3 row rack #2 Racks by 7 8
Endangered Audio Research The Gristleizer Modules by 2 721
Advice for Troubleshooting Power Issues Please Racks by 14 540
New retina/highres module images look insane. Good work! ModularGrid by 5 6
Derp's Compensation for his Small Penis Racks by 8 ..
Sines and Samples 12U 72hp Racks by 8 10
Beginner Serge Racks by 1 37
Starter Serge Racks by 1 11
Noob Waldorf NW1 Rack - suggestions please! Racks by 6 27
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 130
(DUPLICATE MODULE) Mutable instruments Anushri Modules by 4 3
Eurorack Pitch Envelope?? Modules by 4 85
Finalizing First Rack Racks by 3 78
Mutable Studio Sequencer Rack Racks by 3 6
Ramblings of a Noob Racks by 6 6
My FX Rack Racks by 4 40
1u cannot be excluded in module browser ModularGrid by 1 2
Mutabe Instruments CASE_For Sale Racks by 1 1
Shift Registers - anbody using them ? Modules by 4 22
East/West Two-row Noob Rack Racks by 1 5
Studio Electronics 4075 You by 1 3
rack1v- ambient / soundscape Racks by 1 1
Pittsburgh Synth Box not firing up... Modules by 5 19
Working with this for four years Racks by 2 4
Synthesis Technology E560 Deflector Shield Modules by 4 9230
Power consumption of Harvestman modules Modules by 1 6
What else do I need? Racks by 3 7
Hello! Some questions regarding this rack I'm attempting to put together. Racks by 2 1
The X-Wife Attenuating Rig (TOP 3 Row ABOVE 1U is the "WANT LIST") ---- So anyone l... Racks by 1 13
Ninstrument Tractor Beam 12 Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 8 526