Module is available as a DIY project only.
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Thomas Henry’s VCO MAXIMUS
Back in 1987 Thomas Henry published the CEM3340 based Deluxe VCO in his book Build A Better Music Synthesizer. Alas, in the following years everything went digital and the CEM chips went out of production. With the recent re-issues of the classic CEM synthesizer function block ICs these chips have become easily available again at a decent price. And Thomas Henry re-visited and re-invented the Deluxe VCO that transformed quickly into something completely new, the VCO MAXIMUS.
You can find a detailed description of this design at Scott Stites page, where he hosts a lot of information for Thomas Henry designs.
– triangle, ramp, sine and pulse outputs
– pulse/sub blend
– switchable fifth/octave, add/subtract, sub/sub-sub effects
– strong and weak sync
– linear and exponential FM
– 1V/octave response
– no matched pair and/or TEMPCO resistor needed
Width: 16HP (Eurorack)
Depth (incl. power plug): 40mm
Power consumption: TBC
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