16 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Dual analog oscillator

Shown here in gold. This will also be available in copper.

Oscillators: dual analog oscillators paired with one another. The main frequency control covers both oscillators and osc 2 pitch control detunes high or low and then shifts to 5ths or 7ths of osc 1 for instant musicality. There's also an octave control to switch octaves up or down. When you jack in to oscillator 2 it becomes independent of oscillator 1 so Voices can become distinctly duophonic. Oscillator shape also covers both oscillators simultaneously and smoothly fades from square to saw to triangle to sine waveforms on a single control (with added cv) and there's a switch to determine which direction the control or a/r travels. Add to that a sine-based sub oscillator.

We've included a vactrol on the output which, when plugged, cuts the output signal and only allows the signal to pass when it receives a voltage signal (trigger, gate, cv). This gives it that extra sweet flavor that only a vactrol provides and allows you to use voices without an additional VCA if desired as we do in the voices system.

Controls: Oscillator frequency, fine frequency, sub level, osc 2 frequency, osc 2 level, osc shape, FM.

CV: All attenuable. Octave, osc 2 level, osc shape, osc 1 cv, osc 2 cv.

Inputs/Outputs: Every waveform (square, saw, triangle, sine), oscillator 2 and a mix of all events. sync, FM

What makes this module unique: Two oscillators musically tuned to eachother is a beautiful thing but it also acts as independent dual oscillators with shared shape control. Clean sweeping/cross-fading shape from square to sine of analog oscillators does not otherwise exist as far as we know. Add that delicious vactrol and Voice is its own animal.

- coarse frequency, osc shape, octave switching, osc 2 frequency, osc 2 level, FM all with cv

  • fine frequency, sub osc level
    Ins and Outs
    Ins and Outs

  • outputs for all waveforms (sine, triangle, saw, square), mix and osc 2

  • cv for all: osc 1 1v/oct, osc 2 1v/oct, sync, shape, osc 2 level, octave, FM

  • vactrol on output

- includes mounting hardware and power connection in a beautiful folktek box.

  • 12v = xma

-12v = xma

+5v = xma

width = 16HP

1" depth (skiff friendly)

submitted Jul 10th 2019, 01:40 by Primordial | last Change Jul 11th 2019, 18:08 by Lugia

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Detroit ModularControlNoisebug


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?