10 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
5 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$254 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Programmable Slider Step sequencer CV source

The Flame "MEMOSLIDER” module is a small programmable analogue slider module, designed for small mobile euro racks.

There are three play modes.
SLIDER: for manual selection of one of the eight steps
SAMPLE AND HOLD: for synchronized selection of one of the eight steps
STEPSEQUENCER: like an analogue stepsequencer

Two seperately different output voltages of the pots 1-8 are available: unipolar 0..+10v and bipolar -5..+5v
Additional the direct slider voltage input and output (0..+5v) is available.
The module has a GLIDE function (manually via pot or via external CV).

It's possible to link several modules like an multi track sequencer or to connect several modules in parallel.

MANUAL - PDF - HANDBUCH MEMOSLIDER module version 1.00 (german): http://tinyurl.com/mnvw937


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submitted Mar 9th 2017, 07:05 by cds | last Change Jul 2nd 2023, 22:34 by fxb_flame

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