6 HP
33 mm deep
Current Draw
102 mA +12V
12 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$280 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

3-channel recorder of knob movements / 1-channel CV recorder

The C3 module is a three-channel module for recording and playing back movements of controllers. Those can be recorded with each channel´s individual knob. The movements will be output as control voltages. The record time amounts to 102 seconds maximal. The track can be played once only (one shot) or in loop. The speed of the play back or the output offset is controllable with the pot. Track one has an additional CV input. The pot 1 can be used like an offset ruler. All three tracks have a common reset input. All track data can be stored in internal non-volatile memory and will be reloaded after power on. Software updates are possible via USB.

  • 1x Reset input (0/+5..10V)
  • 1x CV input (0..+10V)
  • 3x CV outputs (0..+10V), 1/8th inch (3.5mm) mono jacks
  • 10 push buttons: Save, 3*(Rec+Play+Knob)
  • 3 knobs for CV, speed, offset
  • 3 LEDs
  • Resolution of AD/DA converter: 12 bit
  • Sample rate: 50Hz or 100Hz

Manual for firmware v.1.02


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submitted Oct 15th 2012, 00:14 by rubbercitynoise | last Change Aug 27th 2017, 20:18 by ParanormalPatroler

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