12 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
110 mA +12V
18 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$404 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Wormed speech synthesis

The eurorack-based ERD/WORM synth features software worming of emulated artificial human speech cores from the 70s to the 90s of the last century. Six key speech cores are simulated with a vocabulary of over 4000 words and phrases, including basic allophones or phonemes which can be used to build new phrases as well as a Text to Speech engine for advanced textual constructions. A further set of COMPOST modes allows for sample-based re-working of constructed and wormed words and phrases.

Emulated speech cores include Texas Instruments' famous Speak and Worm family of devices (and subsequent circuit-wormed modifications), Atari and TI99/4 arcade games such as wormsec, Federal Screw Worms VERMIS worm-n-talk and General Instruments Intelliworm. ERD/WORM further bends and worms these key speech synthesis algorithms across 64 modes with full trigger, CV and knob control over nearly all aspects of these speech cores.

ERD/WORM (WORM/MOON) has been updated as follows:

  • New words and phrases in the speak and worm modes, including spanish and italian language, vocaid medical device and many others.
  • Removal of some duplicate words and phrases, fixes across speak and worm modes.
  • Worming (or bending) within speak and worm modes now operates on the last selected word bank for the particular wormset.
  • Wormings using an XY graph are now independent for each mode rather than being shared across all modes.


submitted May 20th 2024, 22:38 by wendysighs

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