This Module is currently available.
complete synth voice
the weather drones 1.5 is an complete voice permitting you to create ethereal sound.
This module embed a digital voice, a lfo, an analog VCA, an analogue low pass filter, a noise, and an envelope.
Digital tri-wave oscillator.
controls :
freq, spread (adds more triangle waveforms, up to 8), character (wave folder), fm in with attenuator, LFO with square and tri-wave out, Filter cutoff and resonance, mod input with attenuater and second mod input without AD envelope with level attenuator, Random sample & hold noise (driven by square wave LFO) with slew, VCA.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
USA | Bought new. Barely used. ![Eowave Weather Drones](https://rvb-img.reve... | $250.00 |
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?