13 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

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Guitar Pedal - Ultimate Fuzz Tone

NOT AN EURORACK MODULE ! Doesn't fit INSIDE your Eurorack case ! (I use it on front my case, 3U)

Ultimate Fuzz Tone

Can we ask you a serious question? When’s the last time you turned up your favorite fuzz pedal to anything but eleven? If there’s one true thing about rock n’ roll, it’s that it sounds best cranked all the way up. But where do we go from here? We go one louder. Enter the Erupter.

The Erupter is the result of over two years’ worth of tone-chasing, tweaking, and experimentation in search of the ultimate classic fuzz tone with a big low end, a biting top end without being too harsh, and just enough output to politely send a tube amp over the top to deliver a well-rounded and defined fuzz tone with just enough pummeling intensity, so you can rock n’ roll all night and still get to bed at a reasonable hour.

It’s the perfect fuzz... just sayin’.


submitted Nov 16th 2024, 20:00 by TheFreezeBeats | last Change Nov 20th 2024, 02:04 by TheFreezeBeats
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Control VoltageDetroit ModularPerfect CircuitThree Wave MusicControlNoisebug


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?