40 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Analog Paraphonic Semi-Modular Synthesizer

Analog Paraphonic Synthesizer
Unique Reverb Effect by Crazy Tube Circuits (as found on Splash Mk3)
2 x VCO with separate glide controls
Dual State Variable 24 or 12dB / oct Filter
Triangle wave LFO
Triple Unique Envelope Generator (can be used as an LFO)
Unique Routing control (allows open architecture)
15 patches for an astonishing Modular experience:
CV Outputs: VCO2 direct wave out with attenuation control,
Envelope 1 , Envelope 2 (with attenuation), Modulation Wheel, Gate, Midi to CV
CV Inputs: Osc1 Frequency, Osc2 Frequency, VCF Cut off (for both filters),VCF Cut off (post for the 2nd filter), VCO1 PW, Gate, CV, VCA


submitted Dec 11th 2017, 17:30 by tomatoKetchup
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Detroit ModularNoisebugThree Wave MusicControl VoltagePerfect Circuit


Found Sound


Nightlife Electronics

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?