2 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
0 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
1000 mA 5V
$56 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Quad USB Power Supply

Module A-183-9 is a simple power supply for up to four devices which can be powered via USB (e.g. keyboards, smartphones).
The module has no USB function but provides only the +5V supply for USB devices.
A control LED shows if the +5V are present.

Note: The module requires an A-100 case with built in power supply A-100PSU3 ! Only this A-100 supply has the required +5V available. We do not recommend the usage of an older A-100 case with A-100PSU2 as this would require the +5V adapter A-100AD5 and the max. current would be limited to 100mA.


Ø 3.00 (9 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 16th 2018, 11:15 by cds | last Change Jun 1st 2019, 21:54 by mode_analogue
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Moog AudioNightlife Electronics


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?