10 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Phaser and sound mangler

The QU is a 10HP phaser and sound mangler inspired by the Doppelganger phaser pedal from the 90’s and the works of Turkish sci-fi writer CM Kosemen

The QU module has two outputs (which you can use for stereo duties), one is clean and the other is distorted and thus slightly louder as well. Two CV inputs (CV to the left is normalised to the right when only using one input) are available, as are two switches, the first removes the dry signal from the circuit creating vibrato type effects in phaser mode and weirder stuff in QU mode. The second switch, labeled QU is to switch the QU on or off. When on, the QU are attacking, mangling and destroying the sound, sometimes trying to mimic the input but ultimately failing and instead morphing it into a “new species”.
The right CV input will have slightly more impact than the left in QU mode but both will affect the signal. There are three pots on top, two for feedback and one for Mix. Mix is important in Phaser mode since the phaser effect relies on a dry signal being present. The feedback pots are for the QU mode, they will affect the sound depending on the incoming signal and the other settings. All knobs and even the wet switch will interfere in QU mode.
There lots of fun to be had exploring the thresholds with this module!


submitted Sep 23rd 2023, 04:33 by Puscha | last Change Nov 20th 2023, 21:51 by clwilla

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