No info about availability.
Four Phase Generator
The PH-4's big brother is a quadrature oscillator as well, yet the much bigger waveform selection at the double amount of outputs, more FM inputs (even with 1V per octave tracking), pulse width modulation and sync it can be easily considered a highest quality, full-range oscillator which "casually" handles quadratures and works as an LFO.
The frequency range is selected by a switch between LFO and audio, two potentiometers set coarse and fine tuning. Modulation-wise there are three CV inputs: FM 1 is equipped with a polarizer, FM 2 with an attenuator, FM 3 is not attenuated. FM 2 and 3 track one Volt per octave.
The left four quadrature outputs with 0°, 90°, 180° and 270° phase provide you with either a sine or a triangle which is switch-selectable. The right four quadrature outputs are responsible for pulse wave and sawtooths. The pulse width is set manually and per CV, the form of the sawtooth is selectable between sawtooth, ramp and a mix of both, even via CV.
Further possibilites of manual and voltage control are the bipolar DC offset and the output level. Finally there's even a sync input which tops off PH-8's VCO capabilities.
triangle/sine outputs: 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
saw/pulse outputs: 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
CV inputs: offset, level, saw switch, FM 1-3, Sync, PWM
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?