6 HP
18 mm deep
Current Draw
Module does not draw current
$182 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Sibilla dual expander

EXP-FX, Il Sole e la Luna (eg. The Sun and the Moon) is an expansion module for Sibilla, aiming to let you admire the same panorama under two different glows.

Depending on the Sibilla uploaded firmware, EXP-FX can either act as an actual Sibilla expander, giving you direct control on more Sibilla’s parameters, or can turn your module into and effect, allowing you to process your favourite oscillator or line instrument the same way Sibilla processes its internal waveforms.

EXP (il Sole)

Expands your Sibilla by giving you more control on the internal AR envelope and filter resonant frequency.

FX (la Luna)

With configurable eurorack/line stereo inputs, turns your Sibilla into an intricate stereo pitch shifting delay effect. Split your incoming sound in two separate pitch shifted tracks whose stereophony is affected by LFOs movements, white noise, delay lines and sampled bits of audio.

Find out more about EXP-FX: https://clattersmachines.com/exp-fx-overview/
Product page: https://clattersmachines.com/prodotto/exp-fx/
Product GitHub page: https://github.com/Clatters/EXP-FX


submitted Nov 15th 2024, 16:37 by ClattersMachines | last Change Nov 15th 2024, 16:54 by ClattersMachines
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Perfect Circuit

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?