12 HP
20 mm deep
Current Draw
215 mA +12V
85 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$432 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual VCA/LPG, envelope/function generator with crossfader

In only 12hp, Axis condenses all the classical blocks for the audio amplitude management redefining the classical envelope -> vca -> mixer path.
The idea is to manipulate a sound over three axis: its length (time [X]), its volume (range [Y]), and its placing inside the stereo field [Z]
With a dual envelope generator, dual VCA and a crossfader, Axis, not only replaces a long chain with just one module, but also goes beyond it, including channels volume, AM modulation and dynamic control capabilities (velocity).


For the function generator section, we choose a faster and more intuitive method over the classic AD/ ADSR style: a selection of waveforms, studied to give back a precise musical effect, can be selected with the wavetable knob.
The function length can be settled with the fader timeX in a range from 30hz to 15 seconds.
Also, setting the timeX fader at its maximum level will leave the VCA open.

In the first half of the dial, a more typical collection of envelopes can be found. From plucked notes to long volume swells, passing thru lead friendly lines, all this kind of sounds can be obtained here.

More unusual, the last section of the knob is thought to simulate the acoustical vibration of a percussed object. Starting with a triangular envelope, from this point on, the more you turn the knob, the more rebounds will be added simulating the natural ring of a material.

Using this section at low rates can generate some complex envelopes that could be also suitable for vibrato syle AM effect.

Completing the envelope generator section, there are: a mode switch(cycle,trigger,hold), a trigger/gate input, a EOC trigger out, an envelope function output, a CV for the envelope shape selection and one CV for time.


The VCA section is more straight forward: an audio input/output and a VCA CV input.

Soundwise, here at Clank we are all about vactrols LPGs but since we knew it’s not the most versatile option on the market we came up with a different design. Blending together a VCA with a not so step filter, we obtained a VCA with a nice mild LPG flavour: enough to sound not so “clicky” but not too slow to inficiate really fast sounds.

By default, the envelope created by the function generator is normalized to the CV in of the VCA.
You can just plug the audio I/O to use Axis in it's completeness and get rid of a lot of cables and mess!

Plugging a cable into the VCA in breaks the normalization, in this way you can use a different source to control the VCA and free the function generator for LFOs or modulation duties.

The rangeY fader sets the strength of the envelope but you can see this control also as a volume fader, which is really nice since you won’t need an additional volume for your voice after axis.

The range fader has also its own CV control to program dynamic changes to the sound.
Basically it’s a VCA over a VCA that permits to have every notes at different intensities.
Last but not least, Range CV can be also feed by an unipolar modulation CV to obtain vibrato effects or audio rate AM modulations.


As a cherry on the cake, a crossfader is placed at the end of the chain, blending the both Axis halves together.
With a dedicated fader and CV control, raising it will invert the L/R output to create some nice stereo effects or move the voices around the stereo field.


Ø 5.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 8th 2023, 12:13 by Clank-modular | last Change Apr 8th 2024, 16:03 by Clank-modular

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