18 HP
36 mm deep
Current Draw
120 mA +12V
120 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$400 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

hexadirectional crossfader

complex crossfader

a four input, six output video rate crossfader.

follow the arrows on the cv inputs 1 through 6 to see the direction of crossfade on the center inputs. outputs are in black.

a complex pattern mixer, feedback console, or simple crossfade utility. your patching provides limitless access to modulation.

functions as a LZX VBMv2 expansion module, channel 1 inputs A,B,C,D are sent post-gain-stage to the 4 center inputs for faster patching and less cable clutter.

Ø 5.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jul 1st 2016, 20:50 by brownshoesonly | last Change Jun 19th 2017, 16:51 by brownshoesonly

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