8 HP
32 mm deep
Current Draw
28 mA +12V
28 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$99 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Mini Digital LFO


Digital LFO 16 wave shapes

Model: Mini Digital LFO
Width: 8hp
Current: +28mA, -27mA

LFO,Delayed Time/Lag Processor

Audio Rate FX? Yes, you can hear the LFO.

What does this do?
There are two parts to this module.
-LFO side
-'Tremolo' type LFO processed through a Delayed Time/Lag circuit

LFO side
-16 possible wave shapes. Two banks: Normal and Alternative, selected by toggle switch
-Range Knob
-Frequency Tune Knob
-Reset-able Manual Push Button
-Input Jack for External Reset
-Zero Degree, 180 Degree Flip Switch for LFO Output
-Level Out Knob for LFO
-FM input for LFO Modulation

'Tremolo' Delayed Time/Lag Side
-Gate and Trig inputs
-Manual Trig by toggle switch
-Delay Knob
-Lag Knob


submitted Mar 10th 2021, 19:19 by bluelantern

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ControlPerfect CircuitDetroit Modular


Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?