6 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
8 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$150 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Four channel stereo mixer

Stmix is a compact 4 channel stereo mixer with an Auxiliary input. This input will allow us to chain a few of them or to insert an extra fifth input.
This module is compatible with our Hexmix system and can be internally connected to hexmix module to add the output of STMIX to your main mix.

– Four channels stereo inputs with volume control
– Aux input straight to the Mix out
– Level meter LEDs
– Connector in the back to interface with Hexmix module.

– Current needs: +12V: 8mA, -12V: 10mA
– Width: 6 HP
– Depth: 20 mm
– Alluminium, heat-treated front panel
– Designed, kits prepared and completed modules assembled in Barcelona


Ø 4.25 (28 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 7th 2019, 15:55 by Befacosynth | last Change Aug 17th 2020, 17:23 by Befacosynth