6 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
110 mA +12V
43 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$184 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Molten Modular's CV and Audio Utility / Realtime Visualizer

Motion MTR allow you to mix, attenuate and invert signals while having clear visual feedback of their levels. Each channel can function as:

  • Audio level control with VU meter
  • CV attenuator with voltage meter
  • CV inverter with voltage meter

Each input is normalled to 10v, so you can use each of them to generate fixed voltages. Also, the outputs of channels 1 and 2 are summed into Out 3 to be used as a mixer. Patch it wildly to make it work as an attenuverter with offset, as a mixer, a VU meter or a combination of them all!


  • Three channels attenuator
  • CV and inverted CV visualization
  • Audio VU meter mode
  • Normalled inputs to 10v
  • Outputs summed at OUT3



Ø 4.58 (12 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 15th 2022, 19:15 by DivKid | last Change Nov 15th 2022, 23:36 by circuitburst

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ControlThree Wave MusicSynthcubeControl VoltagePerfect CircuitDetroit Modular


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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?