16 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
260 mA +12V
95 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$389 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

16HP summing mixer with characterful valve saturation & distortion.

16HP summing mixer with characterful valve saturation & distortion. Rabbit Hole is a hybrid solid-state and vacuum tube design. It has two input channels with independent vintage VCAs. The outputs of the VCAs are summed and passed to a solid-state Drive circuit which at higher gain settings hard clips the signal before entering the starved cathode dual-triode vacuum tube. The OWTH - Off With Their Heads diode LED clipping circuit can be engaged for further distortion.

Rabbit Hole is capable of adding subtle warmth or total audio destruction. The Curiouser expander module adds an additional 2 inputs. Multiple Curiouser modules can be daisy-chained to suit your mixing requirements.

Expandable audio mixer

Glue for your drum mix

VCA to a synth voice

Add subtle warmth and character or total audio destruction

Capable of generating Subharmonics

Self oscillates with extreme settings

2 channel mixer with vintage character OTA per input VCAs

12AU7 Vacuum Tube Core

Fat sounding all analogue signal path

4 possible stages of distortion

Tone shaping with CV control

Dry/Wet Mix with CV control

Feedback with CV control

Attenuverters on all CV inputs

Switchable diode clipping circuit “OWTH - Off With Their Heads”

“L8” Switch to change Tube character

Normalled Gain CV for all inputs including Curiouser expander

Attenuverter on Output to control volume and flip phase

Curiouser expander adds additional 2 VCA inputs


40mm depth

Reverse polarity protected

+12V 260mA

-12V 95mA


Ø 5.00 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jun 5th 2022, 11:56 by Jon-Mark | last Change Nov 24th 2022, 10:11 by Jon-Mark

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