News from the Labs all of them

Feedback Squeeze
6 Jun 2020 Feedback
New 4HP high-performance compressor from Feedback Modules! 
Feedback CP3-
6 Jun 2020 Feedback
New 6HP mixer module from Feedback Modules! 
Tubbutec µTune
5 Jun 2020 Tubbutec
The µTune expander is now available. This allows quantization,polyphonic midi2cv, cv2midi, clock generation, tuning and much more on up to 8 channels! 
Tubbutec μTune Expander
5 Jun 2020 Tubbutec
The µTune expander is now available. This allows quantization,polyphonic midi2cv, cv2midi, clock generation, tuning and much more on up to 8 channels!  
LA 67 LR4 Crossover
21 May 2020 LA 67
LR4 is a three-way crossover under voltage control. Two four-pole state variable filters in series allow an input signal to be split into three non-overlapping bands, while the fourth-order Linkwitz-Riley slopes provide ideal band separation. And because both filters are full range, the bandwidths are arbitrary, not range-restricted.  
TomaTek-Audio MMVCF
17 May 2020 TomaTek-Audio
TomaTek-Audio MMVCF is available now! 
Lower West Side Studio BMC034 Switched Resistor VCF (1U)
The BMC034 Switched Resistor VCF is now available in a 1U version. All the features of the 2U version are included in this smaller form-factor module. 
eurorack essentials 2Xflip-sides active
13 May 2020 eurorack essentials
Hi, I just finished a video showing the awesome FSS RECOMBINATION ENGINE - SERIAL NO. 036 - affected by 2xflip-sides active :) ENJOY 
IO Instruments Himalia
6 May 2020 IO Instruments
First testrun of Himalia. Actually this demo uses only 3 of its 5 sound sources (plus some filter modulation). We are finalizing the firmware right now. Sounds already quite rad... :) Available in shops in a few weeks. 
Robaux SWT16+ MIDI Expander
3 May 2020 Robaux
With the SWT16+ you can now use MIDI devices like drum machines or samplers. 
Ritual Electronics Flexibilité
27 Apr 2020 Ritual Electronics
The six 1U modules we unveiled at SB20 Home Edition are now on Modulargrid. Make sure to check the presentation video: 
eurorack essentials dualswitch
25 Apr 2020 eurorack essentials
Hi, Molten Music Technology made a great video about DIY dualswitch build and demo --> ENJOY  
24 Apr 2020 Paratek
Hey guys! Lot of new modules added! Newest unit "ЧАТЕЛЬ-6" in stock! 
IO Instruments Euporie
22 Apr 2020 IO Instruments
Some feature overview of Euporie lowpass filter 
LA 67 WFM Oscillator
20 Apr 2020 LA 67
WFM Oscillator is an analog VCO with a unique wave shaping circuit. Based on the 1970s Kobol synthesizers, the WFM output provides a continuously variable waveshape from triangle to saw to modulated pulse, with many interesting points in between. Voltage control over waveshape and output amplitude allow for wide timbral variations. 
eurorack essentials
19 Apr 2020 eurorack essentials
eurorack essentials SUPERBOOTH20 Home Edition Gesprächskonzert worm up video OUT NOW :) ENJOY 
AI Synthesis AI007 Quad Voltage Controlled Mixer VCA
13 Apr 2020 AI Synthesis
The AI007 Quad VCA Mixer is a compact, high quality, and flexible way to control voltage (audio or cv) in your modular system). The outputs are also normalled together into a mixer, allowing the AI007 Eurorack Quad VCA Mixer to be used as a voltage controlled mixer.  
Future Sound Systems OSC2 Recombination Engine
10 Apr 2020 Future Sound Systems
Our good friend DivKid has made a fantastic walkthrough video for the Recombination Engine, documenting many of its features and its wide pallette of timbres: 
Future Sound Systems
10 Apr 2020 Future Sound Systems
We are happy to announce the general release of the Recombination Engine (OSC2). This presents a unique take on a triple-oscillator stack, with a plethora of exciting new features in oscillator technology and synthesis in general: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Learn to create phase modulation bells and brush up on your German at the same time, thanks to KidSilly and StudioSounds! 
North Coast Modular Collective
North Coast Modular Collective exists in order to expand the skill, knowledge, and accessibility of the electronic music community through the development of music, instruments, and community resources. 
Majella Audio VVCA: Velocity VCA
31 Mar 2020 Majella Audio
We made a new short demo for the VVCA velocity VCA :) 
1979 Digital Stereo Delay (DSD)
31 Mar 2020 1979
Digital Stereo Delay (DSD) preorders are open, ETA is May 2019. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Here's something for all of you in lockdown, practising social distancing, or just playing with your modular synths in the dark as usual: check out the latest episode of the Podular Modcast, a podcast dedicated to modular synthesis, to hear more about the Joranalogue Audio Design story and philosophy: 
Lower West Side Studio CGS01 Sub Oscillator / Harmonic Sequencer
Lower West Side Studio is proud to announce the release of its new CGS01 Sub Oscillator / Harmonic Sequencer. Our new PCB design reduces the modules depth to a mere 32mm making it the perfect addition of portable rigs or cabinets with limited depth. Shrinking the size didn't shrink the sound as this module will add thick, rich bass to your patches. Listen with a subwoofer and you'll hear (and feel) it for yourself!