News from the Labs all of them

Der Mann mit der Maschine DROID
A new show video is available: this time you learn how easy it is to switch between different DROID patches (configurations) on one SD card. 
Klavis Quadigy
19 Apr 2021 Klavis
New firmware 1.22. The changes: 1. The Global Time setting percentage now acts on the displayed time for every other setting involved. - 2. In cycle mode, the duration of each setting is now shown as a percentage. Settings are balanced among themselves to fill 100%. - These improvements are only display changes but I believe they will make the Quadigy even more easier to use. 
Der Mann mit der Maschine DROID
The new firmware "green-5" is is now able to play MIDI files directly from the SD card. Well, "play" might be a bit misleading. In fact it generates the CV and gate patterns that reflect the notes in the file's MIDI tracks, but that makes it even more flexible. Up to eight voices per track are supported with different patterns of voice allocation. If you like you can ignore the track's internal speed and clock it externally, just as a sequencer. 
Wavefonix 3340 Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
10 Apr 2021 Wavefonix
Our 3340 Dual Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is now available. It has a smaller footprint per VCO than our standard 3340 VCO module; making it suitable for cases where space is more limited, or where you want to maximise functionality per HP. Find out more and order here:  
Wavefonix 3320 Low-Pass Filter (LPF) Classic Edition
7 Apr 2021 Wavefonix
Our 3320 Low-Pass Filter (LPF) is now available in the Classic Edition finish. Find out more and order here:
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
Creating pitch-related rhythms to add musical interest? It's a breeze with Compare 2! 
2hp NPF
1 Apr 2021 2hp


Our latest module is now available today and today only! Check out the NPF here: 
Noise Engineering Ruina Versio
18 Mar 2021 Noise Engineering
New module Ruina Versio is available for preorder now, and is shipping on March 25th! Ruina Versio answers the age-old question: how many different types of distortion can we fit on a single module? The answer is a lot, as it turns out. Need a wavefolder? We got a wavefolder. Want some multiband distortion? Of course you do! And that’s not even including the DOOM parameter! Plus, press Smoosh to add 128dB of drive.  
Lower West Side Studio M140 Clock Divider / Universal Logic Block
Lower West Side Studio is proud to announce the release of the M140 Clock Divider / Universal Logic Block. The M140 is comprised of 2 sections; a Clock Divider featuring outputs for 9 divisions of the incoming clock signal plus NOT outputs, and a Logic section featuring INVERT A/B, A AND B, A OR B, A XOR B, A XNOR B outputs based on incoming voltages. 
Feedback ENV-100
10 Mar 2021 Feedback
We updated the module info with complete specifications. 
Feedback ENV-310
10 Mar 2021 Feedback
We updated the module info with complete specifications. 
Feedback ENV-100
10 Mar 2021 Feedback
We updated the module info with complete specifications. 
Wavefonix Poly-8 Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO)
6 Mar 2021 Wavefonix
We're pleased to announce that our Poly-8 VCO module is now available to order from our online store. It represents the first in a line of 8-voice polyphonic Eurorack modules. To find out more or to order, visit:
2hp Loop
3 Mar 2021 2hp
Loop Has Arrived! Sound on Sound, Frippertronics, and more all in 2hp. Find out more: 
Klavis Logica XT
3 Mar 2021 Klavis
Updated user manual V1.3 - The Coin Toss function gets a table listing the odds when feeding more than one input at once. There is also a drawing to explain the practical use of the Patten Delay capability. 
Velectronic A-Envelope
2 Mar 2021 Velectronic
A-envelope is finally one of the most complete envelope modules, not only because of its 4 associative channels very helpful for polyphonic configurations, but also because of its unusual modulation capabilities and event generation. 
Lower West Side Studio
Lower West Studio is now having its 2021 March Madness Sale & Giveaway! During March all modules are 10% off and each module purchased gets an entry for a chance to win an M122 Master Divider. Click the link for more details; 
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
What is a dual window comparator anyway? Joranalogue user Michael Manning shows how you can use Compare 2 to make your patches come alive. 
Qu-Bit Electronix Cascade
26 Feb 2021 Qu-Bit Electronix
Cascade: A multimode ratcheting envelope generator is now shipping worldwide! Find out more here: 
Reverse Landfill Veratrum
22 Feb 2021 Reverse Landfill
A new module! Texture and drone voice with touchpad controls, filter and LFO 
Sacrament Modular
16 Feb 2021 Sacrament Modular
Hello everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that our crowdfunding campaign for our first module (and collaboration with Erica Synths) The Cursible will be wrapping up in one week! You can participate by visiting, navigating to The Cursible and hitting buy now to preorder. For those of you who don’t know anything about The Cursible feel free to look us up here on Modgrid or on our website! Thanks! 
ThreeTom Modular Steve's MS-22
12 Feb 2021 ThreeTom Modular
Pre-orders for the April batch are now open! > 
Barullo Ciobra
12 Feb 2021 Barullo
Our first module is finally available, distorsion, feedback, eq, vca, blender and everything under CV control, check this out and follow us on instagram and facebook as @barullofx Available at