News from the Labs all of them

Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
"It's late at night and this filter is talking to me and I'm freaking out a bit!" Little Modular meets Filter 8, now on YouTube: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
Enter the next phase: Filter 8 is available now! Let the 'maestro of modular' DivKid introduce you to Filter 8's vast possibilities: 8 types of voltage controlled filtering, low or audio-frequency 8-phase oscillation, slew limiting, feedback patching, audio-rate modulation, crisp filter pings... Sit back and enjoy 37 minutes of analogue filter goodness in this extended demo video: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
Many of you have been waiting for this moment since the module was first announced at Superbooth, and it's finally here: Filter 8, the new multimode filter/8-phase oscillator from Joranalogue Audio Design, is now available for pre-order! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Select 2
Create, switch, mute, hold, invert, attenuate, offset, add/mix and subtract! Now available: Select 2, the super-flexible dual gated precision CV processor for Eurorack synthesisers. Watch the DivKid demo video here: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Select 2
Create, switch, mute, hold, invert, attenuate, offset, add/mix and subtract! Now available for pre-order: Select 2, the super-flexible dual gated precision CV processor for Eurorack synthesisers. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
Representing the cutting edge in modular analogue VCF design, Filter 8 offers more possibilities and higher fidelity in 12 HP than ever before. Try it for yourself at Superbooth. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Mix 3
A mini demo of a mini voltage controlled mixer: check out DivKid's take on Mix 3! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
Still wrapping your head around Compare 2? Little Modular explains how it works, what differentiates it from your more typical comparator, and goes on to demonstrate some great patch ideas: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Mix 3
Congrats to all the winners of DivKid's DivMas giveaway! This season of DivMas isn't over yet, because I'm offering 15 % off Mix 3 from the Joranalogue webstore (EU only). Use the code DIVMAS during checkout: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Switch 4
The entire Joranalogue family (so far) appears in Little Modular's latest review! Watch it here: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
Available now! For an excellent overview of this highly versatile dual window comparator, check out the introduction video by modular connaisseur DivKid: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
Announcing Compare 2, a new breed of comparator! Super-versatile dual window comparator with logic section for CV or audio use. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Mix 3
Here's a new demo video, showing how Mix 3 can simultaneously mix, amplitude modulate and overdrive: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Mix 3
A voltage controlled mixer in just 6 HP! Mix 3 is now available from the webstore (EU), and shipping to dealers soon. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Test 3
Achtung: incomplete power consumption specs? No more thanks to Test 3! Available now. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Switch 4
Here's a new demo video, showing Switch 4 in action as a dual rhythm router! 
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