News from the Labs all of them

North Coast Synthesis
30 Jun 2024 North Coast Synthesis
The North Coast Synthesis Ltd. online shop now accepts payment in Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as conventional credit card payment. 
North Coast Synthesis
31 May 2024 North Coast Synthesis
For the month of June 2024, North Coast Synthesis is offering multicolour ("rainbow"/resistor colour code) ribbon power cables with all modules and kits at no extra charge. 
North Coast Synthesis MSK 015 Quad VCA
27 Apr 2023 North Coast Synthesis
Newly launched: North Coast's quad multi-function VCA 
North Coast Synthesis MSK 014 Gracious Host
27 Mar 2022 North Coast Synthesis
North Coast's USB-MIDI interface is now available. Host for MIDI keyboards and other controllers; interfaces PC (typing) keyboards and mice to Eurorack CV; mono and polyphonic modes, arpeggiation, and quantization; fully open and documented modifiable firmware. 
North Coast Synthesis MSK 013 Middle Path VCO
13 Jul 2020 North Coast Synthesis
North Coast's complex VCO, the MSK 013 Middle Path, is now available to the public. Dual triangle-core analog oscillator with a unique quadrature sine shaper, enabling through-zero phase modulation. 
North Coast Synthesis MSK 009 Coiler VCF
19 Feb 2019 North Coast Synthesis
The Coiler VCF, previously available only in very limited quantities from an extended prototyping run, is now in regular production. 
North Coast Synthesis MSK 012 Transistor ADSR
22 Jun 2018 North Coast Synthesis
North Coast's latest "transistor" module, the 6HP Transistor ADSR generator, is now available assembled and as a complete kit for through-hole SDIY. 
North Coast Synthesis MSK 011 Transistor Mixer
The Transistor Mixer is now available in North Coast's Web storefront. Four channels of CV or audio mixing with just six discrete transistors - how many do you need? 
North Coast Synthesis
North Coast Synthesis now offers free shipping on all kits and modules. 
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