It's about as close as I've seen you get. I still think this is a work, but I'll play along:

ModularGrid Rack

I've made some quality of life changes while still trying to keep what you have here. Rather than explain all my changes, I'll just say that if there are any you don't understand or appreciate, I am happy to answer any questions and provide alternative solutions. I can give you a rough overview, though. I will say is that I think you will be much happier avoiding those 2hp drum modules, espcially if you don't give them enough space. They are very difficult to use in a big system with lots of cables and options. You should be able to run lots of layers this way, as well as be able to sample and combine elements using the Bitbox so you can use the results of those patches while running other patches. "Band in a box" will always be better with a DAW, a more streamlined hardware workstation like an MPC, or at the very least as a large system built gradually by figuring out what you want from each "bandmate" using experience and going piece by piece. But you can totally do multiple things with this - bass, lead, chords, drums, and other samples all simultaneously. You'll want to throw a MIDI keyboard in there for the Demon Core, and you'll be a lot happier with an external mixer if you want multiple things going on like a full band, but it should kinda work then. Kinda.