Thanks so much.

Mavis is already blowing my mind,
and I'm only a few days into this journey.
so I'm feeling good.

I've taken about 15 pages of written notes from watching youtube videos about Mavis
I'm now working through the notes, every page is taking me to a lot sonic places

My original idea was to take steps module by module towards a basic Doepfer setup....
But i watched a bunch of videos about Mavis, and it felt like the best starting point for learning.

In fact, probqbly the next thing will be moog DFAM, which wasn't originally how I expected things would go.

The Doepfer basic VCO may be a bit of a 'stranded asset' for a while.
But maybe not. We'll see.
My plan was to get two Doepfer VCOs, and seriously learn the principles of osc sync, hands on, from first principles.
That could still happen along the way.

-- Tierno

Congrats, this shit is really fun to get into, and the DFAM is a really cool piece of gear.

Be warned it gets addictive fast, though! And if you're anything like a lot of people who get into modular, your plans and ideas will change and accelerate rapidly. I started with a DFAM, then added a Subharmonicon and Werkstadt, then decided I wanted to get into eurorack proper so cashed those in and, fast forward a few years, and I'm at 4x 126 HP with some modules on the side. Not as crazy as some people's systems, but considering I had 2x 84HP in mind at max, it's been a bit of a journey.

If I could go back and talk to myself as I was starting in, I'd have convinced myself to get a pretty robust, HQ PSU and a lot of cheap rack space right out the gate, so I wouldn't have to worry about reconfiguring my whole case/system every time I decided a few more modules were in order. The basic skeleton of my system (mounting rails and sides, PSU, busboards) can be replicated for around or under $400 I believe all in. That's what I originally paid for a dinky little 2x 84HP custom case that I thought was going to serve me long term with no extras. Waste of money.

A Mordax DATA though can be a good early investment. I thought it might be superfluous, more for influencers than end-users, but it can really help you visually learn what's going on in your system. You get to see the LFOs, the ADSRs, and unipolarity and bipolarity of signals, and see how they can be intermixxed into interest behaviors. You can also see first hand what effects like wavefolding, distortion, filtering, etc. actually do to the soundwaves. I'm jusssst now at the point where I could probably let mine go, at least setting it aside from the main system, but for quite some time it was just a valued staple of the system.

Anyhow, any questions we're here to help.