
Using a white noise signal from Qubit Nanorand2 as a sound pad thru Mutable Instruments Rings in chord mode. The pad is filtered and delayed by Prism. Reverb from Happy Neerding FX AID XL .

Drums from Intellijel Plonk thru Qubit Databender for glitches. Nanorand2 send a random signal to plonk v/oct to get glitch kind sound too. Those two signal glitches: Plonk out to Databender, and Nanorand2 rand to Plonk v/oct are manually trigger thru Instruo Tain switch. To get more glitchy like sound, Instruo [1]f crossfader making the cross signal to select patches in Plonk, between manually thru Intellijel Triplatt and pre-programmed from Squarp Instruments Hermod allows me fun while jamming :).

Bass from Mutable Instruments Plaits kick model.

Bellish melody from Rings in fm mode thru Noise Engineering desmodus Versio.

Mixed and mastered in ableton live.