hi, and thanks for the good replies!
Yes, the Black sequencer is an option I've eyed, I like to have something tactile and not too menu driven. And the knobs seem really good, something to grab easily!
Shipping from US (or outside EU) is generally so much slower, and brings customs payments as well, so I'll try to find stuff inside EU.
DFAM is easily detached from its own casing and mounted in eurorack, and since I have free space (at least now!) in my rack it's neatly in the same place as others. True, if the rack gets full I might put it back in its original case.

Additional sequencer is more about CV control, there are things that you can do with mangling CV that gets very organic results in eurorack. You can get close with max for Live's Midi lfo in Ableton and mapping them accordingly, but I also spend so much time with computer that it's nice to have something that you can put your finger on!
