Hello all,

I decided to pick up the Catalyst (https://www.modulargrid.net/e/emblematic-systems-catalyst) and put it to use. I have always loved the scene concept on my OT (in fact I think it is the best part of ALL of my systems)... thus, I decided to pick it up and give it a try.

here is a link to my afternoon jam:

Here is a link to the morning jam:

What I have here is a very minimal patch going on.
1) Kick coming from the BIA
This same kick is split into the left input on the Happy Nerding FX AID
2) Main voice of the Mantis going through the WMD C4BON filter, then into my bublesound hex setup.
This same voice is split into the right input on the Happy Nerding FX AID
3) Happy Nerding FX AID is set to one of the stereo in delays.
4) the melodic pattern is coming from the o_C running Enigma Jr.
5) the rhythm is coming form the Circle
6) much of modulation and changes are coming from me playing with the filter, the envelope, the Cyclist connected to the Matins, and me manually adjusting the BIA for the kick drum.

Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!