Hi Troux,

Ha, ha, yeah let's do more "no notes into the system" based tracks ;-)

Though I said that indeed for my shared track but I used the Sinfonion module from ACL and actually the Sinfonion is creating the tones/notes... so it's just only partly correct from my side. What I meant though was, that I didn't use a keyboard, MIDI input device or any other kind of input device (other than the Sinfonion).

Having all said that, I still can't wait for the Endorphin.es - Ground Control module to become available. It's a sequencer with a kind of mini-keyboard. I really hope this module is going to be released "soon" (waiting more than a year for it) and as good as I am hoping for.

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads