It's close...but if it were me, I'd drop one of those Optomixes, because there's plenty LPG processing for audio in just two with this few audio sources. Instead, you really need an output module as well as some sort of final mixer to bring the drums in with the other signals. A mono mixer would work fine, but you're going to want a 2-channel output module so you can take advantage of the Pico DSP's ability to 'stereoize' your mixer signal. Otherwise, the compliment looks right; you can 'steal' the extra VCA on the Lifeforms if needed for CV work, because the Optimixes will work fine for that patchable's final VCA instead. Maybe a couple of qualms about the lack of 'proper' envelope gens here aside of the one ADSR, but if you tinker the Maths just the right way, that ought to work out.