Sounds right...just keep in mind that, musically, you're probably best putting the modular cab together in a way that it doesn't sound at all like the 0-Coasts so that you can get some contrast. It's sort of like orchestration: sure, you have five different string parts to an orchestra, but then you'll want the wind colors to contrast against the monolithic string timbres. At the same time, tho, those strings need to interconnect with the winds...and likewise, tandemming control patching between the 0-Coasts and the modular cab is a great idea.

Yeah, I might've had some texts shoved up my ass during my undergrad conservatory-type training that I thought were sort of pointless (Piston's 'Harmony', f'rinstance), but Rimsky-Korsakov's text on orchestration wasn't one of those. I've found ideas from that orchestration textbook useful in multitrack and live mixing, studio equipping, arranging timbral structures in electronic media, and so on. Just proves that old adage about everything old being new again...( )