
But the problem is, that MG doesn't know how a submitted "module" is just a alternative panel.

A lot of these alternate panels are submitted as manufacturer "Other/unknown". In that case you can use the checkbox in the search options to filter those out. In that case of course you loose potentially interesting real modules, too.

The best solution IMHO for integration into MG would be, that there should be a new "function" (or tag) that is "alternative panel". As a result the already existing modules would have to be retagged (no that of a big deal, I guess. If the module is "manufacturer approved"/locked, it has to be done by the creator of course).
In that case there would have to be another new filter option in the module search that explicitely excludes a certain "function".

Regarding the OP's issue and the fast-growing number of modules another function would be on my wishlist: A blacklist in the user-settings in which I can exclude manufacturers to be shown in the module search. For me that would be manufacturers that:
-merely produce spin-offs from other modules
-make modules that can't actually be buyed or built (fantasy products, pre alpha state)
-aren't active anymore
-generally not my thing, design-wise/function-wise