Thanks for some great insight!

I have used 2hp modules before. I still have the Mix. Frankly, though, for this amount of money, I would say to not put a bunch of them in. They wiggle even if they're built rock solid, amd the knobs are not fun. If you decide later you need some function they provide and have to have it in 2hp, then go for it.

The wiggle aspect is an important one that I had not given thought to! I have been retweaking the rack and have pulled all of the 2hp modules except the pluck and hi/low pass ones. The Oxy One was the last contemplation that was added, and with that, there was a lot of redundancy with the 2hp modules that did mean I could pull them from the rack.

Once you have a Rample and a 2hp Play, I can't help but think you should just try a Bitbox or a Squid Salmple - especially if you're also worried about the Queen of Pentacles and the SD card on the back.

I really liked the Squid, it seemed to have a lot of what I was looking for and I have a feeling that in the future I might end up with one. However, starting out, it seemed like it was a bit more complex than what I would need it for. The Bitbox seemed nice as well, but I every time I looked into it, I felt like I might as well just use my NI Maschine if I was going to go for a route that offered such complexities. The Queen of Pent, I figured I would mostly just have cymbals in the sample slots and not end up monkeying with the card often. (Though I do think its a wacky design to put in on the back.) That way I'd have the Rample for my sampled drums, and the QoP sample slots for the cymbals

You can also look into CV to MIDI converters like the Befaco CV Thing or the Sweet 16 faderbank

I think the CV Thing will suit most of my immedate needs quite well :)

Overall, this seems pretty balanced. Usually imagined systems this big are a bit of a mess. More modulation is nice, so if you expand, definitely look there first.
-- Zacksname

That's great to hear, I somewhat expected there to be an aspect, necesity, or process that I totally overlooked. Other than a filter or two (and possibly another quantizer), some more modulation is really all was feeling like I might need. So I do feel like I'm on the right track, and appreciate the feedback! Any advice for a modulation module that would be fit well or fill an area that I'm lacking or that I am weak in? I had been considering a Tripple Sloth, though I held off on adding it because it's not available from my local synth shop. (Though obviously that wouldnt prevent me from grabbing one.)