Im not quiet familiar with the Oxi. (Im testing one at the moment for the first time)
But I guess you can do much like lfos, envelopes + logic gates and stuff with the oxi.
So its just a question of taste and workflow.
But in general, maybe you could focus on a more modular experience instead of just dropping voices to control it with the oxi. (Which is also fine, if this is what you want)

Your rack looks a bit shuffeled and incoherent to me. Seems to be a approach to become a groovebox rack .
A few good standard picks, almost everybody does like (BIA+Mimetic Digitalis+Lapsus Os) but not much coherence and context.

Maybe think about, which exact role your rack should take.
What does it need, what should it do?
If you go hybrid or with semi-modular stuff, a rack focused on utility could be useful.
If you use it with a analog rhytm - do you need a dedicated kickdrum?
So maybe focus on more standard building blocks.

Do you just want to replace the elektron stuff with a groovebox rack you patched once and set and forget?
Do you want to do complex patches and discover modular?
Do you really need the modular for generative stuff or is your oxi + elektron gear enough?

If you just do the same stuff with you modular as you do with the other gear, it could be a expensive toy at the end.

